Friday, February 02, 2007


Wow. I sent out an email yesterday at lunch asking for support for the century ride in Tahoe. By the time I got back from lunch, I already had over $750 in contributions! I'm constantly amazed at the generosity of people. In fact, I'm pretty overwelmed by it.

I had a great spin last night at the gym. My friend Cliff, from the Hodgkin's forum, is making some biking videos and putting them up on youtube. Cliff is a pretty amazing guy who's been in his own Hodge battle for quite some time. Spinning in a gym isn't on of my favorite things to do, but I'm really committed to this training thing and just getting healthier in general. Well, last night, I warmed up, cranked up some good music on the mp3 player, settled into a good, hard pace, canked up the heart rate, closed my eyes, and imagined riding along on Cliff's rides. It was an awesome ride. Cliff, we'll ride together for real one of these days, I'm sure of it!

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