Thursday, February 19, 2009

Colder than a...

... well, you fill it in. It's cold out there. And windy. But I committed to a ride - and I'm announcing it here for the whole world to see, so that tomorrow, when people are saying, "Hey, John, how was the ride?" I won't respond with something like, "Well, you know, it was a little cold outside, and I hadn't seen the latest episode of LOST, so I just stayed in and kept warm." Nope - I'm going to do it. Hold me to it.

Here's another one - I'm officially on a diet. For two years now, I've been saying that I need to lose 20 pounds. This time, it's happening. Hold me to it as well.

By the way, did I mention that it's cold out?

In other news, Sara's fundraising is going great (click that link over there on the right to go see for yourself). People are generous and never fail to amaze me. She's getting really comfortable on her new bike as well. We'll be setting her clipless pedals up this week, then I won't be able to catch her. :)


Kelly Kane said...

Did you go? :)

--jam said...

Why yes, I did. It was cold and nasty, and I went. Sara and I rode about 10 miles together. Then we swung by the house, I put a hat on, and headed out for another 10 at full speed. I left the neighborhood and headed out one of my favorite old backroad rides. 3 miles in - PSSSSST PSSSST PSSSST PSSSST .... flat tire. :) It's all part of it. But I rode.

laulausmamma said...

Hi John - good for you for getting out there and have 2 long the cold....brrrrr
Lauren and I went to see the AMGEN of CA riders as they rode by our development on Sat on the way to their starting line for the 7th leg of the race from our valley to the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Lance Armstrong was somewhere in the pack. They rode around 90 miles on Sat and another 90+ on the final leg on Sun ending in San Diego...long miles and mountains to climb (over 5000' on Sunday) that's a bike race!

Good luck with the diet...hope you stick to it...unlike me :(


Cat said...

Hey John, where've ya been? Just wanted to check in!